Package Details


2D/1N Lucknow to Ayodhya Tour Package

Original price was: 15,999₹.Current price is: 12,999₹.

Day 1: Ayodhya Morning pick up from Lucknow Railway Station/Airport get assisted and easily transferred by our tour representative to our pre-booked Hotel. Check-in at the hotel on arrival and take some rest then Visit Ramjanma Bhoomi, Kanak Bhawan, Hanuman Garhi, Nageshwarnath Temple & Gulab Bari. Overnight stay at Ayodhya.

Day 2: Ayodhya Sightseeing Morning breakfast after driving to Ayodhya Sightseeing. Afternoon check out from the hotel after this get assisted and easily transferred to the LucknowRailway Station/ Airport to catch your train/flight for the onward Journey. And now the tour ends.



  • Shakuntala

    (May 20, 2024)

    My Mom went for her first trip away from the family with a travel group. She thoroughly enjoyed the experience with Ayodhya Dharshan. This was a seniors’ special 6 day/ 7 night tour across Uttar Pradesh. The entire experience starting with the booking, was extremely well managed. Word of thanks to the tour managers Sagar and Akshay, for their thoughtful and attentive support all throughout. The hotel stays, food arrangements, local travels, sightseeing plan were all perfectly organized. Highly recommend Ayodhya Dharshan.

  • Sushma

    (May 17, 2024)

    “I enjoyed tour very much,full of knowledge, religious sentiments. Tour managers Mihir and Vinay were always ready to help and take care. They are knowledgeable and full of courtesy. All arrangements were very good. We Will like to join Other trips conducted by Ayodhya Dharshan.

  • Bharat

    (May 17, 2024)

    “I am happy to say that tour was wonderful, full of knowledge, enjoyment and religious sentiments. Tour manager Mihir karkare and Vinay Mishra were very caring, helpful, sincere, enthusiastic. They deserve full praise for making tour lifetime memorable. I would like to join other tour conducted by Ayodhya Dharshan and recommend to my friends and relatives.

  • shalu

    (May 17, 2024)

    “The tour well organized & we all enjoyed. Akshay & Sagar have given personal attention to group members as and when needed. They have cover all the places with in time. Thanks to Ayodhya Dharshan, Sagar & Akshay.

  • ansh

    (May 17, 2024)

    “A very fulfilling journey.Both our tour manager are very caring and supportive.Not a single complain.Love to travel again with Ayodhya Dharshan. . Thank you for giving me memorable days

  • vinod

    (May 17, 2024)

    “I enjoyed the tour very much, it was a dream come true for me. Your staff was very cooperative and was taking care of each and every one

  • Roshni singh

    (May 17, 2024)

    “The managers Ankush and Yash their service, and care were out of the world really from the bottom of my heart big thanks to both the boys. Sightseeing everything was as per itinerary plus also few places not listed in the itinerary. Transportation the drivers, hotels, food everything was fantastic. Not even the smallest thing that we can say is not good. The best moment was the light show which we enjoyed a lot it was superb. We would love to travel with Ayodhya Dharshan whenever possible. Thanks a lot.

  • सुदाम पाटील

    (May 17, 2024)

    “दिनांक 6.8.2024 ते 13.8.2023 मी सुदाम पाटील आणि माझी पत्नी सौ संगीता पाटील आम्ही उभयतांनी वीणा वर्ल्ड सोबत केलेला प्रवास अत्यंत रमणीय आणि अद्भुत होता. केवळ अद्भुत नव्हता तर तो आनंद, परमानंद ,bramhnanda, आणि स्वानंद देणारा होता. या सर्व प्रवासाचे श्रेय वीणा वर्ल्ड यांनी नेमलेले मॅनेजर विनय मिश्रा आणि यश राव यांना जाते. ह्या सार्‍या वरून त्यांचे knowledge अफाट असल्याचे आम्ही ह्या 8 दिवसात अनुभवायला मिळाले. चार तास होणारा प्रवास केवळ एक तासाचा वाटला. यामुळे आमचा प्रवास सुखकर होण्यास मदत झाली. यश राव हे रोज आम्हाला पर्यटन स्थळांची माहिती, अयोध्या येथील राम मंदिराची माहिती prayagraj येथील गंगा,यमुना आणि सरस्वती यांच्या संगम माहिती तेथील होडीने प्रवास,पूजेचे महात्म ,बडय़ा हनुमान, पहाटेची गंगा आरती, तुलसी दास घाट, तुलसीदास आखाडा घाट, सीता समर्पण मंदिर आणि बाजूला असलेली उभी 50 फुट उंचीची हनुमान मूर्ती, श्री काशि विश्वनाथ मंदिर येथील रुद्रा bhishek पूजा त्यानंतर काल भैरव नाथ पूजा आणि महत्व आणि गौतम बुद्धाचे जन्म स्थान आणि तेथील संग्रहालय आदी प्रवास वर्णन आम्हाला समजाऊन सांगत होते. याकामी त्रिपाठी जे वीणा वर्ल्ड यांनी नेमलेले guide यांनी फार महत्त्वाची भूमिका पार बजावली. त्रिपाठी हे सुद्धा तेथील स्थळांचे अभ्यासू आहेत. त्यांनी माहिती रसरसून सांगितली त्यामुळे आम्हाला पर्यटन स्थळांची माहिती सहज अवगत झाली. एक संत वचन आहे-ज्येष्ठां मान द्यावा कनिष्ठ चा घ्यावा. हे मिश्रा आणि यश यांच्या मार्गदर्शनातून झाले. यश यांनी वीणा वर्ल्ड माध्यामातून सांगितलेले अनुभव उत्सुकता निर्माण करणार होतं. एकंदरीत वीणा वर्ल्ड बरोबर केलेला प्रवास अवर्णनीय होता. ही ट्रिप आमच्या कायम स्मरणात राहील. या प्रवासात राहण्याची आणि जेवणाची व्यवस्था खूप छान होती. आमच्या ह्या टूर मॅनेजर याना खूप खूप धन्यवाद!!

  • Gulab

    (May 17, 2024)

    It was well organised and well planned tour. Nice experience with Ayodhya Dharshan, Especially tour mangers Sagar and Akshay are well connected to all the members of the group. This was our first trip with Ayodhya Dharshan and looking forward many trips to come

  • Ravindra

    (May 17, 2024)

    Our trip is excellent. This trip is best trip. Salute to Ayodhya Dharshan management. Very well organized. Our both manager Kishor and Rohit done excellent job Salute to them. They look after us very well. We don’t have any complaints against any thing . Once again thank to kishor n Rohit.👍👍

  • Harsh

    (April 20, 2024)

    “It was a wonderful experience for me. All your arrangements were up to the mark. All hotels and transportation arrangements were excellent. The Tour leaders just were very cooperative, polite and friendly. the are very skillful & excellent in their job. In addition they were well travelled and well informed. I Enjoyed. I always look forward to collaborate with you in future.

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